Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Farmer's Markets & Sunshine Breaks

It's been quite warm here in Toronto and for the first time in my life I'm enjoying it.  I've always been a winter person.  I love the snow, especially big heavy winter storms where you have to lift your knees really high just to take your next step.  People curse, but I love it.  There's something about it, slowing everyone down, makes me appreciate life a little more, if that makes sense at all.

I've never much liked the summer heat or the sun for that matter but lately I've found an unusual appreciation for it.  I take sunshine breaks everyday (weather pending) while at work.  I sit in a grassy park in downtown Toronto, take my shoes off and feel the warmth on my skin and the coolness of the grass.  I love my sunshine breaks.  We'll see how much my appreciation lasts as the high humidity rolls in for July and August.  We don't have air conditioning at home, nor do we plan on getting it.  I feel battling the heat makes us stronger but it can make some nights a little difficult for sleeping.  Cool showers and a fan usually do the trick :)

The farmer's markets are in full force here and I look forward to taking my lunch scoping them out in the city.  I love looking at fresh produce, asking the farmer's questions and relishing in my head all the creations I could make with all the food.  It looks like it's going to be a good season.

My delicious breakfast this morning from some fresh market goods:

Three eggs lightly scrambled in coconut oil, garnished with dill.  Red leaf lettuce and fresh raspberries with a simple extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.  So delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Winters in it for the same reason :) Everyone has to slow down! Plus, I love wearing sweats and eating beef roasts and drinking hot tea.
